

Welcome to the community!
The NCMA - National Community Media Alliance
was established with you in mind. As a member of the community, you'll receive the information you need to build a powerful media brand.

So, you now have a great resource to help you build the brand you’ve always wanted.

NCMA is not an association, we support ALL associations, but an ALLIANCE of all media AND associations by providing information and data to help member's organization or media group.

All Association Directors, Board Members, and Members are invited are to be active and be a voice to all members and future members. Our hope is to provide much needed valuable information to all.

Now, over the next few days, be active in the Group…ask questions and answer questions. We ask that you be active and SHARE our group WITH OTHERS in your organization and your company.

Take some time to review our posts and let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.

Again, let me say WELCOME ABOARD.

I'm really, really excited to have you in our community.

Our mission is to provide industry professionals with top-notch sales training, valuable resources, management advice, product recommendations and helpful tips and tools to grow your media business across all channels.
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